Break on Through To the Other Side – Why I love Addictions

I love addictions.

Yes, I really do.

It’s kind of a dirty word, linked with drugs and unsavory experiences.  At least in my mind, I flash back to that old reality tv show of Intervention.  If it’s still on TV, I don’t know.


I’m not making light of it.  The only thing that’s different about people who find themselves in those situations and the rest of us, is the social stigma surrounding their drug of choice and its potency.  It’s not quite as socially acceptable to have a meth lab running in your house as it is a TV.  Or credit card debt.    Nor the physical consequences as obvious.


Don’t get me wrong, they are annoying, challenging and harmful.  I’ve been (and still am) addicted to more things that I even am aware of half the time.  The only blessing is at least I know they exist, even if I’m not entirely sure where they are all yet or their trigger cues. It’s part of my personal mission to dismantle each and every one of them.  However long it may take.  They all offer such a gift.


Any addiction, at the end of the day, is all from the same thing.  Something emotionally unhealed, in which we work overtime, to keep hidden and buried via our drug of choice/idol.  It’s something we have not have had the courage yet to allow Gods grace to shine into.  Or have been convinced of not having the power to stand in it, to allow that place of darkness to see light. Where we are holding God and life at bay.


That’s what I love about addiction.


It shows us exactly where are wounds are.  It shows us exactly where we need to heal.   It invites us to a continual deepening relationship with God.  And it shows us when the healing is done. And when there is yet more to do.


Addictions show us exactly where are wounds are.  It shows us exactly where we need to heal.   And it shows us when the healing is done.


Sometimes healing them happens in an instant. Like a moment of Grace that came in twenty years ago when I realized  I was not living in the way of who I was made to be.  I knew it in my being. And despite the several failed attempts to quit smoking before (among other behaviors), in that moment, it was over.   Months later when offered a cigarette after a wedding and many cocktails, peer pressure, and resistance down after saying Yes – I realized that it still was not who I was. And it was my last.  I was done.   Whatever fueled that addictive desire was long gone. It was weird to me that I spent so many years so attached to it.


Other addictions were more gradual.  My taste for alcohol took much longer.   There was not a pivotal moment where I saw my identity as being different  than what I was living – I just continued to work on my healing – just the inside work at this point, and, like changing of the seasons and shifting of the clouds, my desire to drink just slipped away.  I didn’t ‘need a drink’ anymore.  And my ‘drink’ wasn’t code for having an evening that I barely remembered the following day. Or my drink wasn’t my social crutch in handling awkward conversations anymore either or a prerequisite for fun.    I started to see clearly the effect it had on me and my life.  And somewhere along that line, I could leave it and I did.  Whatever was behind that addiction had at some point been healed. No drama involved. Here and there I’ll enjoy a social evening with wine or cocktails, but other than that, it is not all that interesting to me.


Those types of addictions are what we normally think of when we think of addiction.  These days what I see more of are the impact of certain  beliefs and thoughts that are more nuanced and the addictive patterns of behavior they set up.  Our body is such a sensitive radar that likes to keep its baseline of experience – its homeostasis.  That it will do what it needs to do in order to keep it active at what is supposedly known. Or at least familiar.  St Teresa of Avila has said that our body has a defect that the more it is provided care and comforts, the more need and desire it finds. 


Our body has this defect that, the more it is provided care and comforts, the more need and desires it finds.   – St Teresa of Avila


The body itself is primed for addiction and it also seems to also translate into the way we think about things, to what we constantly need ‘more’ of.


It can be so subtle and sometimes seemingly non-harming that if you are not looking, can go undetected.  Yet you always know an addiction, by something that you are unwilling to give up on your idea of.  Or as something you are super protective of and just not wanting to let go of. Or even something you just aren’t willing to experience.


For example,  I tend to have an investment in being right (I admit, not one of my finer qualities).  On the surface, that wouldn’t seem so bad.  I take the time to do due diligence.  I dig, analyze. I contemplate.  I don’t share right away.  I digest carefully.  I have been deliberate in my decisions and in what to share.  You can bet what I choose to share has been vetted many times over. And I know its truth.  I continue to consider it after,  whether or not I send off or share something widespread in case it isn’t (not because I care of what people think of me – although I think we all do to varying degrees, but more so that I don’t want to lead people down a false path or misdirect in any way).  I have often found my path not to be a straight one.  And what I think I know or what is revealed seems to always be changing. 


And in a place where discernment seems to be my ultimate lesson,  It’s hard to lay any claim of right certainty on a path that is ever-changing and moving. This approach of holding back seems wise. And yet, what is life, but an ever changing and moving river that we ,hopefully, continue to learn and grow in how we love, in what we know and ever increasing in the love we bring forth.  There is a logic in holding back a bit – Of course there is – why else would I (or anyone, for that matter) consciously continue to do the same things (over and over)….And yet man times, the things we logically protect, even if theres a good reason, at some point, ultimately harms.  Everything is meant to be in in its right place, in its right balance and can be misused if not carefully vigilant.


So on the surface this may not even seem like an addiction.  Yet, if I can’t give it up in the name of Faith for what will ultimately unfold – it reveals itself for what it is.  An attachment to something that is giving me a false sense of emotional safety and security.  For what I think is ‘right’.  What is right for me, in each moment, may be entirely different depending on how I’m being led, if I’m listening.  The reality is, that it is in those places where we create the vacuum – the empty pause –  the places in which we break free and say NO (or YES) for the first time in Faith, that we start to see God sweep us up and carry us through and reveal something new.


It’s those places in which we question what we think we know and follow Gods river as it flows through us, will we be carried.  Not in trying to hold up the river for what ‘WE’ think we know about life.   It’s that fear about what we think we know about life that keeps us from allowing God to move through us, rather than just let Him do what’s best for us.


And for all I’ve experienced most everything that I’ve thought I’ve known has been opposite of what actually IS true. Experience matters. Experience especially matters in you discovering truth.


(And yes, I am using God as a Him.  Masculine pronouns describe masculine nature as literal injector, the giver and provider of the seed of life where we are the receiver, the nurturer, and caretaker of the life we are given.  This whole masculine and feminine confusion we have on spirituality and in this world deserves a post all on its own)


Going back to the beginning – even in those days when I first said no to the cigarette, my body complained.  The anxiety climbed.  The first NO betrayed all the hidden feelings I was trying so hard to keep buried- outside of the physical complaints my body protested in being in something new and unfamiliar.


There are some things we already know we are doing that are not good for us – its the first place to start. When you feel the anxiety in the body climb, if you stand in faith in the anxiety, you begin to watch the emotional wave until it recedes from your body.  You begin to realize the grace you are given and how you are empowered in it, to move through it and beyond it to a whole new place. You really are given all the strength you need, you just have to be willing to stand in the storm.


You are given all the strength you need, you just have to be willing to stand in the storm.


As you remove the crutches and stand in the sensation of the pain, the inspiration starts to come in for the next direction to go in.  Instead of just letting go, you are prompted to show up in a different way.


And in the challenge of the addiction to ‘needing  being right’, it’s for me to share in a new way of Faith, in which I may not be right.  My ‘Right’ cannot be vetted.  Being ‘Right’ and being in Faith are mutually exclusive.  If you know without any kind of doubt, it removes the need for Faith and Trust in God.  Where even if you don’t know – you KNOW in Faith.


Thinking you are right (based on unhealed wounds) and being in faith are mutually exclusive – choosing the former is the glue that sticks every addiction


So here goes my next direction:  For awhile now, I’ve had conversations with Jesus.  I’ve been hesitant to share.   I’ll share my disclaimer.  I’m aware that in the spiritual world people are very easily fooled for what they want to believe, in using their own mind and imagination and desires against them to keep them bound. This is part of my hesitation in sharing.


And yet, the next step of my healing is recognition that this generational need ‘to be right’, to ‘do the right thing’ has had so much to do with the prevention of a physical beating and abuse.  And yet, I know, God does not allow anything that is not for good, provided you, in your heart sincerely desire the Truth and desire God.  Sometimes addictions require a conscious action to deliberately say YES even in the place of heightened anxiety when your body wants to say NO in preparation for protection from a painful past.


In that spirit, below, my next post will be an excerpt of a message from Jesus that I received a few weeks ago.  So be sure to check it. I will share some of these periodically as they are given. I’m trusting in Faith. And I pray that whose hearts need to hear them will hear them in the way God wishes their hearts to be moved.


And just to be clear, we all have our own access to God. All of us. Each moment. Nothing special or unusual here. This is just my latest invitation to break through my own patterns of protection that have been keeping me from fully experiencing the light of God.  What are yours?


That’s why I love addictions.  They tell you exactly what you need to work on.  Where you are attached.  Where you are not seeing the truth.  Where you have not allowed the truth.  Or maybe just believed somebody else’s truth without testing it with your own experience.


Look at your own addictions.  A dead giveaway is a place in which you hold so firm to, are so protective of, that you are hard pressed to give up. Check those out.  There’s healing needed there.  Calling for you. They are hiding something you longingly seek on the other side.


Don't know where to Start?

I’m Katherina, an artist, coach, a guide to healing, I’ve spent the last 20+ years learning to reconnect, discover and live in alignment to truth. I’ve taken the long road to vibrancy, health, purpose and now I help others discover their own path to wholeness. Let’s talk and get you some clarity on your situation. Don’t worry, It’s totally free.

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©Katherina Kolmodin, LLC 2020

Open Your Gift

Fear is often talked as being opposite of love.  I don’t find that to be true.   The thing about fear is that it doesn’t believe. It assumes the position of doomsday around the corner and prepares you for it, to the point where if it is successful, it’ll stop you entirely.  Not even in your tracks, but all together. A fear powerful enough makes time stand still. Motion cease. A capture of a moment where all ceases to function.  And this is captured not just in your outward appearance, but in your body, a snapshot of time frozen.  As if stopping will somehow stop the ‘bad’ from happening.  Fight, Flight, Freeze.


Yet, even in its place, frozen and action ceased, the heart still beats.  The breath still goes.  There is still life.  There is still love.   Fear itself is not death.  It only pretends to be.  Underneath Life still continues. Love still continues.  When we make a conscious choice to stop, because of a fear, we are choosing death.  Even if it’s a slow death. But God doesn’t.

  When we make the choice to let fear change our actions, we choose death over Life

Which is why you experience fear in the first place. It’s an invitation to go deeper.  To dismantle what you think you know.  What you think is true.


Even in places where the body is frozen in trauma, Life still has a way of doing what needs to be done with your body in order to save you through automatic reactions, compensations and adaptions – things that you are not conscious of – to allow life to thrive in any way it can.


And yet, the decision of what you do next, is entirely yours.  Your action shows you.  What you believe.  What you allow.  How much you trust in the One that runs everything.  How much are willing to receive the love that is showered upon you in every given moment.



Fear is an invitation to go deeper.  To dismantle what you think you know about Life.


At the end of the day, fear itself isn’t even real. We hear that often. Just as in darkness itself isn’t real.  But rather the effects of dimming of Light and Faith. We experience these effects and call it something else as if to make it a real thing, when really, within itself, it has no substance. If anything, it goads and bullies us into stopping our own lives. Stopping the fullness of life that God wants to rain on us.


The experience of it, this perceived place of fear, however – is very real.  The dimming of Light does make a room darker. It slows you do down.  You became hesitant.  Doubtful. Your imagination can see things in the shadows.  It stops you. Or it moves you to buy excess toilet paper.   Or wear a mask constantly.  Or run to get vaccinated.  As if we have to urgently do something because God doesn’t have our back.  Really what we are saying is that it’s not the darkness in the room that stops us, but in not seeing everything there is to see (to control it) that does. 


The lack of trust that people have, the lack of confidence in being fully supported and safe and cared for by God is what stops us.  To the point where to some people God has failed to exist,  become irrelevant to everyday modern life or relegated to a Sunday checkbox as they take matters in their own hands the rest of the week. 


How would things be different if you actually believed in that full support.  If you knew it. How would you then move through your life?  What kind of person would you be?


Fear is a signpost to where you have not Trusted God and let God in


There’s all such research on neuropathways and brain neuroplacisity that talks about how change shows up in the body through our experiences everyday. How the brain changes to allow and automate differences all the way around to change habits, create more happiness, better health and even changes genetics.  Science is showing us the proof that we have had more creative potential than we could have ever imagined. So why aren’t we using more of it?


What suppresses that potential is the actual experience of fear that we have running in our day to day lives. The anxiety, worry, doubt, discomfort.


Those quiet fears that we may not even notice are lingering in the corners as we are going about our day.  The ones that secretly believe we are alone and unsafe. The ones that silently handcuff us to this ordinary rather than stepping into our calling and become extraordinary.


And we all have a calling. None of us were born by accident.  We are all significant and necessary. Size doesn’t matter.  What does matter is your active pursuit of trust and surrender to God and his Grace in moving towards it. One step, however tentative it feels, at a time. 


The interesting thing about the calling(s), is that it doesn’t even matter what it is.  Its not the type or number of gifts wrapped under the tree that is meaningful.  Or whether you see it as big, small, impactful or desired by others.  Its recognizing it was given to you in the first place.  Specifically to you and for you for both you and others. Crafted uniquely for your makeup and nature.  And it comes to you in a quiet pull.  The pull that unsettles you because its something you have not yet done. The one that will not give you rest.  And continues to beckon you. 


Your calling is your practical, objective invitation to replace your fears with Truth


Open and Explore it. Doing so allows a whole new understanding of God and the security you haven’t yet allowed.  And it starts with deciding to step through your fears and act on that call. In whatever small way, to begin.  Start Today.  


When you do, you allow more Life, more Love, more Truth than you can imagine and you end up giving and receiving the best gifts of all.  So open your gift. It’s Christmas time.  It, God and the rest of the world are waiting for you.  You’ll be amazed in wonder at what you discover.








Don't know where to Start?

I’m Katherina, an artist, coach, a guide to healing, I’ve spent the last 20+ years learning to reconnect, discover and live in alignment to truth. I’ve taken the long road to vibrancy, health, purpose and now I help others discover their own path to wholeness. Let’s talk and get you some clarity on your situation. Don’t worry, It’s totally free.

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262-744-9123 or

©Katherina Kolmodin, LLC 2020